Welcome again!
We hope you’re all doing well, today we’ll talk about our experience wanting to enter the PlayStation Talents Initiative and how it turned out.
After our last year at ENTI and the success that “A Tale of Paper” had on itch.io, we weren’t the only ones that saw that the game had potential to become a full title instead of a demo that we launched on May 11th 2018.
We saw that PlayStation here in Spain had an initiative to help indie projects and give them a push. To apply you had to send a short video where you showed as much as possible of the game and some documentation. We applied at the end of August, when it was almost due. Months later, on October 2018 we were selected as semi-finalist and attended our very first Video Game event on Madrid (Madrid Games Week 2018). This was a completely new experience, we were on a big gaming event with our stand for “A Tale of Paper” and we were alongside PlayStation at Spain’s capital city, truly an emotional experience for just getting into the game industry. This event not only meant showing our game to more people, but it also was getting feedback and talking face to face to our future community and players. It was a really enriching experience for us.
A bit later on December the big PlayStation Talents Awards event was taking place in Madrid. Our team along all the other twelve finalists, were reunited in the Callao cinema to see who would get the awards that PlayStation was giving and the most desired one, the “Game of The Year 2018” award. The show began and everybody was nervous from the beginning, awards were given but the big one was saved for the end. When the moment arrived, we all were on the edge of our seats and the winner was announced, we could not believe it, we were called, we won. It was an unbelievable moment, three young developers without almost no experience apart from what we had from university, were collecting an award for best game of 2018 given from PlayStation.

This award came with some benefits, one of them was that they gave us a space in an office to work all together instead from home like we were doing until then. We’ll talk about our experience working there in our next Devlog!
Thank you for reading and as always, see you next time!
Stay safe!