Hello everyone! Welcome to the Official Devlog of A Tale Of Paper.
First of all thank you for taking the time to read this post, for us it means a lot.
From the first post to the last we will tell you from how the idea of the project arose, the development of the first prototype with videos and images of the first playable demo, the development of the game as a final year project, the collaboration agreement with PlayStation, our passage through fairs such as the GameLab, Fun & Serious Game Festival, the NiceOne Barcelona... and ending in the publication of the game [...]

Welcome back! First of all, the OpenHouseGames Team wishes that all of you are doing well through these tough times we’re currently living. We must stay strong, if Line can endure the hardest of obstacles, we all also can and will. Stay home and stay safe everyone! Now let’s continue talking about how the project developed after the second build by the time the team was fully reunited [...]

We hope you’re all doing well, today we’ll talk about our experience wanting to enter the PlayStation Talents Initiative and how it turned out.
After our last year at ENTI and the success that “A Tale of Paper” had on itch.io, we weren’t the only ones that saw that the game had potential to become a full title instead of a demo that we launched on May 11th 2018 [...]